Saturday 15th March 2025,
North Edinburgh Community News

West Pilton Resident captures fly-tipping

West Pilton Resident’s are fighting back

Following on from our story just over a week ago when a resident was filmed dumping what appeared to be a full house on Muirhouse Park

Just a few days a go a resident who we will not name was minding his own business when a van pulled in to the car park area in West Pilton and two guys started to unload the contents.

Speaking to the resident today he said

“There I was standing looking out my window, when this white van pulled in and a older guy and a young guy jumped out and immediately started to unload what they had in their van”

“I could not believe that this was happening right in front of me”

“I grabbed my phone to take a few pictures as I thought I bet someone is paying for these two chancers to get rid of rubbish and they are just fly tipping it”

” The issue of fly tipping at this area has been reported in the past and the council seem to ignore our concerns, hopefully with getting pictures they will take our concerns serisuly and those two will be found and fined”

Some of the Dumped Rubbish

Some of the Dumped Rubbish

North Local Office are aware and have began an investigation in to this fly-tipping – When caught the fly tippers are likely to be fined

West Pilton West Granton Community Council official Facebook page said:

“More Fly-tipping! Where do these people get off?”


“We have seen the pictures of men dumping car parts from the car park at West Pilton Park and West Pilton Grove”




It’s clear that residents are fed up and are now taking action to stamp out the fly-tipping, If you’re thinking abut Fly-Tipping the advice is DON’T

West Pilton West Granton Community Council Facebook page is here

Offending Van

Offending Van








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