Saturday 01st March 2025,
North Edinburgh Community News

Browsing the "Time Bank" Tag

Local resident Sara Martin receives Inspiring volunteering award

Huge congratulations to Local resident Sara Martin on her Inspiring Volunteer Award of her dedication to the Time Bank! Sara has been involved with the timebank since the beginning in 2012. Without her commitment and organisational ability, the choir wouldn’t [...]

June 15, 2015 Local News

Want to know what is on offer for 50+ in your community?

Your local Knit and natter group along with Living it Up have arranged a coffee morning for 50+ An informal group with meets every Wednesday in North Edinburgh Arts Centre Pop along to the free Coffee Morning to find out [...]

March 16, 2015 Local News

Brand new group – knit and natter at North Edinburgh Arts

Knit and Natter a brand new group for North Edinburgh This new group is set to be popular as knitting is done by people of all ages, what better than to knit and have a natter. All materials will be [...]

February 7, 2015 Local News