The SPFL Board today announced that a league-wide consultation exercise has shown there is insufficient support for a new divisional structure and that the current 12-10-10-10 format will remain in place for Season 2020/21. [...]
Charges for on-street pay and display parking will be resumed in Edinburgh from Monday, 22 June. [...]
Vertical wands have been installed on Crewe Road South to ensure cars and other vehicles don’t encroach into the newly installed cycle lanes. [...]
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service have issued a new ‘Home Fire Safety Checklist’ to help keep you safe from fire. [...]
David Beckham has sent a message of support to a local kids football team ahead of their virtual Player of the Year event tonight. [...]
Schools in Edinburgh will be closed to pupils on Friday’s after lockdown. [...]
The owners of Edinburgh Zoo are calling on the Scottish Government to allow them to open amid a serious financial crisis caused bu the coronavirus pandemic. [...]
Local police have issued photos of bikes that have been recovered in the hope of retuning them with their rightful owners. [...]
Dedicated cycle lanes have now been installed on both side of Crewe Road South as part of a scheme to make it easier for social distancing. [...]
We were treated to a wonderful display of colours last night at sunset. [...]