North Edinburgh Arts have issued a statement after discovering their plan for a Community Asset Transfer wasn’t to be put forward to the Scottish Government.
The statement published this morning ahead of the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee where the decision will be made.
The statement said “North Edinburgh Arts have been working in partnership with the Council and community over the past year to propose a Community Hub, on the final phase for the regeneration of McMiillan Square in Muirhouse.
“At the end of last year, after community consultation, NEA and the Council agreed a timetable and an outline proposal for this site. North Edinburgh Arts is at stage 2 of both a Community Asset Transfer bid, and related Scottish Land Fund bid to allow us to bring North Edinburgh Arts fully into community ownership, and to enable the organisation to lead on the development of a creative and community hub; much needed by the local community pre-Covid, arguably more in the period to follow, post pandemic.
“This aspiration on behalf of our community has garnered wide support with 96% of local residents consulted fully supporting the plans, alongside cross-party support from local, Scottish and UK Government members following briefings early this year and a full business case NEA proposal has an advanced case for their bid to Scottish Government
“Regeneration Capital Grant, which was submitted to officers in early February, this year. Our timetable for this project was submitted late 2019. NEA was not consulted or asked for any information for Item 11.6 report to be considered by Policy and Sustainability Committee today.
“NEA was therefore shocked and disappointed to find the report did not support NEA bid to be submitted to the Scottish Government for capital funding. Proceeding with a Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund at this time is essential, acting as it does as a key pillar of this proposal and of the business plan.
“This is an ambitious, exciting plan for the North Edinburgh community. NEA is willing and able to build on its successes across the last decade, and latterly as a key Community Anchor during the Covid 19 pandemic , to ensure our community has the best resources to hand whilst we all build back better. NEA urges the Councillors on the Policy and Sustainability Committee to add NEA bid to the list to be submitted to the Scottish Government for capital on June 19th 2020.”
As well as this statement the NEA board sent a written deputation to the councillors who will make the decision today.
A letter was also sent from Muirhouse and Salvesen Community Council in support of the bid.