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Local youngster forfeits birthday present’s and raises £330 for Children in Need

NECN Contributor1 16/01/2017 Local News Comments Off on Local youngster forfeits birthday present’s and raises £330 for Children in Need

A local youngster decided to raise money for charity and not receive birthday presents from his family and friends – and has raised enough to provide Goats, water filters and mosquito nets for families in Ethiopia.Iggy Just, 5, celebrated his birthday at the end of – just days after Christmas.

His parents faced the dilemma of what they should buy him as he had just received so many gifts at Christmas.

So his mum and dad organised a Dino Birthday Party and asked folk to donate to a just giving page they had set up for him.

Mum Natasha Collins explains “Since Iggy started P1 the trend appeared to be that the whole class was invited to any Birthday parties. We were fine with that but the last thing we wanted was lots of additional gifts for a wee boy who already had enough toys.

Iggy Just

“We organised a Dino Disco Birthday party and invited all his family friends on the condition that he would not receive any Birthday presents.

“Instead of gifts, all guests were asked to donate to a fundraising page set up in Iggy’s name and all funds raised would go to Save the Children.

“At Iggy was not sure about this suggestion but once his we explained that the money would be used to purchase gifts from the Save the Children Wishlist such as Two Goats – which could provide a family with milk, meat and an income or a Water Filter – which could provide clean water.

“Iggy soon became very excited and was totally committed to the idea.

“Luckily, so were his party guests and through everyone’s generosity the total raised as of 04 January 2017 was a massive £330.00!!!

Iggy is over the moon and wants to purchase 6 goats, 2 water filters and 5 mosquito nets – which he has enough money to do and he still had an awesome time at his Dino Disco so everyone’s a winner.

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