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First Minister visits North Edinburgh Childcare to announce £1 million for early learning and childcare trials

NECN Contributor1 20/01/2016 City wide news Comments Off on First Minister visits North Edinburgh Childcare to announce £1 million for early learning and childcare trials

A report into what more the Scottish Government and others can do to tackle poverty in Scotland has been welcomed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.The Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality, Naomi Eisenstadt, has reported back after spending the last six months seeking views from stakeholders across Scotland, including people with experience of living on a low income.

In her ‘Shifting the Curve’ report, Ms Eisenstadt has made a number of recommendations to further tackle poverty around three main areas – in-work poverty, housing affordability and young people’s life chances.

Confirming early action on one of the report’s recommendations, the First Minister announced £1 million of funding for up to six early learning and childcare trials to test different delivery models.

The trials will consider how to increase flexibility, better meet the needs of parents and children and meet local requirements.

The results will be used as part of the expansion of childcare to 1140 hours a year.

The First Minister and Ms Eisenstadt this morning visited North Edinburgh Childcare, a charity which enables local parents to access increased opportunities for work, training or education by providing affordable and flexible childcare.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “When I appointed Naomi to the role I was clear that she would work independently and be frank and challenging in her scrutiny of not only the work the Scottish Government was doing to alleviate poverty and inequality, but also what more can be done.

“I thank Naomi for the work she has carried out and welcome the report that she has published today. We now need to study it and look at what we’re doing well and should continue to do, and where we can improve.

“We will respond formally to the report before the end of March and set out how we intend to take forward its recommendations.”

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