Monday 10th March 2025,
North Edinburgh Community News

Edinburgh election results announced

The Local Government Election results for Edinburgh’s 17 wards have today been announced.

In total, 63 councillors have been elected to become the City of Edinburgh Council, with a 47.2% overall turnout for the city. A full list of councillors elected is available on the Council website.

The breakdown of elected members by party is:

Scottish National Party: 19 
Scottish Labour Party: 13
Scottish Liberal Democrats: 12
Scottish Green Party: 10
Scottish Conservative and Unionist: 9

Returning Officer Andrew Kerr announced the results over the course of the day.

He said: “I’m pleased that so many people have turned out to have their say in Edinburgh. Thanks to voters for taking the time to participate, demonstrating the importance of local services to the public.

“I want to congratulate the successful candidates, and welcome new councillors to their role at the Council. I look forward to working with them all over the next five years.

“I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank our Election team, whose hard work and dedication has enabled the smooth running of this election. It’s no mean feat, particularly here in the Capital, with 300 polling stations to set up and hundreds of staff to recruit and train. The team worked particularly hard to replace polling places, ending our use of schools, while ensuring each venue was as accessible and welcoming as possible for all voters.”

Turnout: 47.2% 
Electorate: 399,239 
Votes cast: 188, 601

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